Sitemap - 2014 - Christopher Titmuss - The Buddha Wallah

Mindfulness, Stress and the Role in Working Life

The Role of the Mindfulness Mentor

Notes on Vision and the gaps. Application of mindfulness in the hospital. Part Three

The Power of the Voice – applications of mindfulness in the hospital. Part two

Reflections on Vision and the Gap – applications of mindfulness in the hospital. Part one

Ekhart Tolle, Money and Kindergarten Spirituality. A response to emails

Why go on an insight meditation (vipassana) retreat? What are the benefits?

My Mother is 94. She has an incredible memory. For yesteryear…

The snake raised its head and other photos from retreats in Australia

I saw a photograph of men in the 1920’s. I decided to lose 10% body weight.

Australia is just about the least populated country on Earth. With a brutal immigration policy….

“The Whitlam government is the textbook case of reform trumping management….” Australia Prime Minister Gough Whitlam (11 July 1916 – 21 October 2014)

A Few Rotten Apples does not make an Orchard…….The War on Muslims

Is it surprising that much of the Arab world loathe the USA and NATO?

The Buddha and Modern Warfare. Part 2 of 2

The Buddha and Modern Warfare. Part 1 of 2.

We need to criticise openly our government and other governments that perpetuate suffering…

Will the real Leonard Cohen stand up please?

One day on the French Yatra, it poured and poured but the skin is waterproof…

Dean, my son-out-of-law, is now my son-in-law…

Precious Extract from Russell Brand obituary on Robin Williams.

Do We Really “Have No Choice”? From Dr. Stephen Fulder, a senior Dharma teacher in Israel

A message from Ben Jager, UK representative for Combatants for Peace. He writes with a heavy heart.

A packed Totnes ballroom and queues to give donations to Gaza, plus Palestinian roots dance music. Cool

An Israeli woman said of the bombing of Gaza: “They deserve it.” Are most Israelis thinking that? If not, why do they appear to remain silent?

A message from a Norwegian surgeon working in a hospital in Gaza

Totnes (UK) holds a silent walk to appeal to a halt to the bombing….

Join our silent, single file walk up Totnes High Street to protest against the Israeli war on Gaza

16 Brahmins come to the Buddha with Questions. How would you respond to such profound questions?

You have a new job as manager. It’s nail biting time. 12 Points to Remember

The Privatisation of Spirituality. Genetically Modified Practice for Business. A Critique

Do Corporations have a Real Commitment to Ethics?

The Dark and Lighter side of British Values

Is Ofsted the school bully?

The Buddha Wallah wishes to get the word out – but not The Word

Mindfulness Discussion on BBC Radio 4. May 26, 2014. 16.30 pm

The Symbolic Significance of a 70th Birthday for the Buddha Wallah

Are Buddhist Mindfulness Practices used to support International War Crimes?

My Last Breath. A Poem

A Dharma Teacher and a CEO

A Big Thank You for Your Kindnesses for my 70th birthday on April 22, 2014 (Earth Day)


A Commentary on War Photographer – A Poem by Carole Anne Duffy

70th Birthday. A Poem for April 22, 2014

Towards Reconciliation between the people of Israel and the people of Palestine

Mindfulness, Meditation and Liberation. Brighton, Sussex, UK. Saturday April 5 -6, 2014

Transcription of Talk/Q and A, given at an Essen Hospital. March 19, 2014

Who will you listen to? A Poem

Eckhart Tolle is on the Rich Man’s List. Is this the price of enlightenment?

The sea pounds the railway line while our politicians rule with tunnel vision

The Three Pollutions in the Global Mind. Part 1. Greed. A Critique

The Three Pollutions of the Global Mind. Delusion. Part 3. A Critique

The Three Pollutions of the Global Mind. Violence. Part 2. A Critique

The Three Pollutions of the Global Mind. Notes from Scripts. Bibliography. Websites

Daily Mindful Practices for Consumers at Home


Practical Ways Towards Outer Change

Five Ethical Practices


University Researchers predict Facebook faces an infectious disease gradually killing it off in the next few years

The sun beats down on Jerusalem. In nearby al Walaja, it beats down harder.

Forgive me. I don’t believe in God. Here are 12 reasons.

More than 100 Dharma Talks and Teachings for free download and free podcasts of Christopher Titmuss

Do our Dharma retreats in India differ from the West? Oh Yes!

Join our silent retreat (February 14 – 23, 2014) and mindfulness retreat (Feb 23 – March 3) in Sarnath, north India

It is time to open the doors of the churches to the local community