Is it surprising that much of the Arab world loathe the USA and NATO?
As powerful Western leaders continue to talk of exterminating ISIS, there is an utter failure of these same leaders to stop and reflect on their actions and their consequences.
Since 9/11, we know that in the past 14 years the:
USA/ NATO bombed, invaded and occupied Afghanistan though no Afghan citizens were involved in 9/11.
USA/NATO/bombed, invaded and occupied Iraq though Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction with the subsequent 700,000 deaths.
The USA/NATO has executed various Arab leaders, broke up Arab democracies that they did not approve of and set up torture centres.
USA/UK and other Western nations sells billions of $$$ of arms to Saudi Arabia which upholds Sharia law including beheadings and cutting off of limbs of its citizens.
USA gives 20% of its entire annual overseas aid to Israel to support Israel’s military forces while the Israeli government and IDF currently stand accused of genocide for the deaths of 2100 citizens, including more than 500 children, in Gaza and the ongoing strangulation.
ISIS fighters consist of a fanatical ideological cult. Many ISIS fighters were surely traumatised in their childhood and youth since the first Western war on Iraq in 1990 and subsequent invasions on Arab countries and/or become utterly identified with their violent rages against life.
In and out of uniform, ISIS have moved into populated regions, occupying towns and cities. This makes bombing a murderous assault on the innocent and the guilty.
Western bombs slaughters families, continues to traumatise the young and creates a new generation of fanatical revenge seeking killers, who have no relationship whatsoever to Islam.
The USA/UK/France’s bombing of cities, towns and villages supports ISIS through the bloodshed heaped upon citizens whether Syrians, Kurds or Iraqis.
ISIS will then take out further revenge on local citizens for the bombing.
President Obomber has now ordered the bombing of seven Arab countries. We are told the bombing will go on for a ‘long time.”
25% of the oil is located in the area where ISIS makes war.
Our political masters tell us essentially they employ killing to stop the killing. This is a pathology revealing a deep mental delusion.Neither the West nor ISIS has any moral compass. Delusion and rage are at war.
Is it any wonder that more and more of the Arab world loathe the USA, UK, France and other NATO countries?