This highly resonated. Thank you

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Wow. Part of me wishes I had read this a few years ago when I was in throes of deep dissatisfaction. I ended up choosing a path that significantly disrupted patterns and conditions that felt like ruts for me. I could have done it with more wisdom, seeing what I see now.

I did this piece as an artistic expression of insights I was having about dukkha, dharma, and dissatisfaction: https://youtu.be/8fTXKGKtOT4

Thank you, Christopher 🙏

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Thanks Christopher. This is a powerful most relevant and resonate piece of writing. The story demonstrates moving from powerlessness through a praxis of 'taking an inventory' of one's life with awareness, patience, courage and honesty. The story reveals how the patterns of unwholesome habit create a stalemate, a vicious cycle. It suggested how to pull the pin on those entrenched patterns so they unravel, untangle and drop away to reveal the fresh inspiration and possibilities. Over the years, you've also helped in reframing other matters and once again there's a reminder. I've gone to believing I was a homeless person to emerging as a spiritual nomad with the Dharma as both my raft and the abiding great Ocean. I'm engaged with the MTTC this year and very grateful for this ongoing support of a global sangha. With love, Liane, Australia.

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