Short Talk on Are we living a confined life? Inquiry. 60 minute Zoom. Wednesday 3 March. 8.30pm Israel. 7.30pm CET, 6.30pm UK
Join a 15 minute talk, 10 guided meditation and 35-minute Inquiry with Christopher.
Wednesday 3 March 2021. 8.30 pm Israel time. 7.30 pm CET. 6.30 pm UK time.
Mindful Space in Israel hosts the session, one of regular sessions in months ahead.
On donation basis.
A Summary of Inquiry
Dharma teachings relate directly to experience and insight. The teachings do not require a religious or theoretical belief system.
This makes Dharma Inquiry an essential feature of the teachings alongside ethics, mindfulness, meditation, love, wisdom and liberation. Inquiry can take the form of questions relating to experiences, concerns and explorations of life on Earth.
In this session, inquiry refers to a dialogue with Christopher asking a participant questions and responding to questions. Any participant can come forward.
An Inquiry does not include theories, abstract ideas, speculations or views about the future. A participant in the zoom meeting can speak about or ask about any significant issue of concern and interest that she or he wishes.
An Inquiry with Christopher might last for five minutes or 25 minutes and sometimes longer. The Inquiry offers mindful/meditative listening for all participants. who also can come to insights and deep realisations.
An Inquiry can generate an insight or understanding for the questioner, listeners and teacher. The participant or myself can say ‘thank you’ to bring the Inquiry to a close at any time. An Inquiry might close with understanding or possibly for further reflection.
All are welcome. In English.