ZoOM into the Dharma. Online Programmes, Meetings, Courses. This includes The Power to Change Areas of our Life. Evening of Thursday18 June to Sunday morning 21 June 2020
Online Programmes. Course- The Power to Change Areas of our Life.
Thursday evening 18 June to Sunday morning 21 June 2020
Christopher Titmuss, Ulla Koenig.
We experience the consequences of the coronavirus – from isolation at home to struggle with roles of work/caregivers/a partner and an uncertain future. We face a variety of challenges.
Due to work or family, you might not be able to attend every session. Please come to as many as you can. We will offer the recordings of the meetings to listen in at a later time.
Mindfulness and meditation offer perspective and stability within these struggles.
Change is necessary at the personal, social and global level.
The course includes guided meditations, instructions and daily talks to support you. The practices build an inner resilience so we can support others.
The course schedule (all times within the schedule are CET)
Thursday 18 June and finishing 10.30 am Sunday 21 June, 2020.
Thursday 20:30 – 21:15 – Introduction by Christopher and Ulla
21:15 – 21:45 – Guided Meditation
Friday 19th of June – 8:00 – 21:00
Saturday 20th of June – 8:00 – 21:00
Sunday 10th of June 8:00 – 10 am. Closing Session.
All meetings will partake on Zoom.
To register for the course, please send an email to mindfulnessonlinecourses@gmail.com.
We will then send out further information including the necessary information how to log in on Zoom.
Weekly online meetings on Zoom
Your donations make our courses possible. We make the courses available to everybody, regardless of income.
We offer our services in for prisoners, people with special needs, survivors of domestic abuse, refugees, public servants and many more people.
Ulla offers on Tuesday 16 June and Chistopher on 23 June at 20:00 CET the final Zoom meeting in the series o Mindfulness of the Mind meeting.
The 60 minute meeting consists of a guided meditation, a talk and a Q&A. All are welcome.
This is the login data for the Zoom meetings.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 4761 9616
Password: 502905
Christopher offers on Sundays at 20:00 CET the “Sunday Wisdom Series”. In the hour-long teachings consistent of a guided meditation, a short talk and a Q&A, he touches on a broad variety of themes around mindfulness, meditation and wise ways of living.
This is the login data.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 854 0284 6892
Password: 244839
Ulla offers on Sundays at 20:00 CET a series on Mindfulness based on the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha’s discourse on the Establishment of Mindfulness. The hour-long course consists of a guided meditation, a short talk and a time to ask questions or share practice experience. The course can be joined at any time and will be held in German.
Past recordings can be listened to at:
This is the login data
Meeting ID: 857 0004 8020
Password: 075044
Join our Free Online Mindfulness Course in the Times of Coronavirus
Do you experience stress and worry about the virus or your personal or family circumstances?
Do you find it hard at times being alone or living with others?
We filmed 40 short videos each on different themes each.
We spoke individually to the camcorder for between 4 mins to 22 minutes for the welfare of those faced with lockdown and those addressing challenging situations. We offer
Here is our 1 minute 40 second video clip on Youtube outlining the course (Photos taken in Totnes, Devon, England.
Around 300 people have signed up to our platform while others use the links of their choice available on Youtube,
At the end of the one-minute clip, you will see all the information you need or go to one of our websites and see a link on the homepage.
To support the teachings of Christopher and Ulla, via Paypal or bank account,
Please donate to Ulla or Christopher.
Paypal account name: christopher@christophertitmuss.org
Paypal account name: https://www.paypal.me/ullakoenig
You can make a single donation if you wish to either Paypal account.
Ulla and Christopher pool together the total donations.
You do not have to join Paypal to donate.
You enter your card details.
You can send Euros or British Pounds to Christopher’s Paypal.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Ulla and Christopher