On alternate evenings on residential retreats, a participant can step forward to take a seat beside myself in the front of the hall. The person can speak on an issue of importance for themselves, rather than theories, abstract views and speculations. The Inquiry can shed light on a situation. Sometimes, there is the application of persistent questions. The person or myself can say thank you as a signal for closure. Abiding in silence, participants listen outwardly to two people exploring an issue and inwardly to any responses arising. An inquiry may last from a few minutes to 30 minutes or more.
Transcribed text includes tweaks and edits for readability in the written word. The following question arose during a retreat in the Waldhaus Buddhist Zentrum, Andernach, Germany in early May 2024.
Q. I have to come up with my question. I feel confused because of the war situation in Ukraine. I practice ahimsa (non-violence) in my day-to-day life in relationships with other people. But when I read the newspaper, I read lines like "Russia is gonna win." I feel so much fear. When more weapons are given to Ukraine, I feel a relief. I know it is not going to help anything. It's only making things worse. Traumas will not help. I feel confused about my own feelings. I don't believe in the war. I don't see how to have peace. Negotiation? I don't hear it anywhere. Without weapons, what will happen to the (Ukrainian) people?
CT. What will happen to the people with weapons? What will happen to both sides? There is the situation, which is major and significant. I appreciate you bring it up. In this context, your responses are primary here rather than our views of the war. We can easily rely and depend upon the information given to us by the media. Information in our media states “Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine is a small country. We have to defend Ukraine. That requires major countries sending weapons to support the Ukrainian people.” That viewpoint has gone deep for you. Your feelings arise to support Ukraine. Weapons are provided which give you the feeling of relief that weapons go to support Ukraine. At the beginning, you said, "I believe in ahimsa, in non-violence. You have two different views – to support violence and support non-violence? What is your response?
Q. I feel ashamed of having this feeling of relief. Yes, I think what I can do. I know to stay clear minded and to be calm. That is one thing, but I feel so small. I see both sides of the story. Of course, we receive one side of the story.
CT. We receive one side of the story. It's a very persistent side in our media. What's the problem in hearing one side of the story?
Q. It's far from truth. It is pro and contra.
CT. It's hard to listen when all the voices are mostly in one direction. I subscribe to New York Times and Washington Post to look at what's the view going on in America. How are you as a human being faced with a one-sided view due to little knowledge of history. This puts you in a dilemma, a confusion. You believe in non-violence yet experience these feelings and emotions What are you going to do with this reaction? What is it to be seen in what you said?
Q. I react against informing myself. This is too big for me. Maybe I should open up for this.
CT. Could it be said that your persistence about the weapons needed and the persistency of the same view coming to you repeatedly has generated feelings, emotions and confusion, which are not at all helpful for clarity?
Q. Mmm.
CT. So you can't trust in your feelings stimulated by a one-sided view, which triggers fear. This fear then triggers the view. "I am so small." What can I do? you ask. So how much importance are you going to give to your feelings triggered by prejudice?
Q. It is quite difficult because the fear comes up from deep. If Putin would win and conquer (Ukraine), all these thoughts come up.
CT. Could it be the same view, common to millions, means fear then starts. “Oh, my God, what if next, the war enters Poland and then Germany?” What's the danger in this kind of viewpoint which is used to continue sending armaments to Ukraine?
Q. It is destructive.
CT. I agree. This destructive view enables the pouring in of the armaments. If one is going to speculate about that, what would be the speculation about the Russian view of the West's massive increases in arms into Ukraine. Prejudice stimulates fear. Fear stimulates helplessness. It always happens like this. Feelings and fears arise in part due to what I've been told. I can't rely on my feelings because they come from a layer of prejudice. If you let go of fear and speculation about what Putin will do, where does it leave you? Prejudice is pre-judgement. What can you do?
Q. The practice of peace.
CT. Parliaments are afraid. They are in fear as well. Why do you put out the voice of helplessness, which has been shaped by what you've been told? Why identify with that and let that determine and govern your relationship to life?
Q. That’s why I sit here. I don’t want this fear.
CT. What would it mean here and now to have no identification with the feelings, the story, the propaganda, the views and opinions about Putin, the future and say NO to all of that?
Q. It would feel like running away.
CT. The fear is still talking. You’re still a prisoner to fear.
Q. I have to do something. I have a responsibility to want to be a peacemaker. At the same time, I feel that I cannot do anything in this world.
CT. You are just beginning to move away from fear and then you go straight back into fear. You are associated with this position. It's a little bit like somebody at the bottom of the well. Do you want to stay at the bottom of the well in fear, emotions, beliefs, and views or do you want to get out of it?
Q. It is not easy.
CT. Can you express a voice independently and free? That feeling of helplessness is a submission to what you have been told? Very indirectly, you're supporting the war. You've lost your voice. You've got their voice, dominated by fear. More and more people fear that Russia will use nuclear weapons. The fastest way for a nuclear war is living in fear. Fear triggers violence. Do you want to live like that?
Q. No.
CT. What is a different voice from you, which does not have fear in it?
Q. I don't have to think like a politician.
CT. Good.
Q. I can just speak from my heart.
CT. Then speak from your heart.
Q. I don't believe in war.
CT. I appreciate the good points you make. Stay steady. Speak without the negative such as "I don't believe..."
Q. It means seeing the perspectives from both sides and from there to form a view.
CT. Lovely. We see independently of this one-sided prejudice view. We carefully read, listen and learn about Russian history. That's the first thing. We listen and learn about authoritarianism, the psychology of it. We explore how the powerful have desire for total control. We look at NATO breathing down the neck of Russia with all of its history of being invaded and all the fears and suffering that have gone with it. NATO gradually expands to the very edge of Russia by wanting to make Ukraine a member of NATO. Would United States ever allow countries like Mexico to become part of the union with Russia/China block? Never underestimate the naked ambition of Western society, nor the naked ambition of Putin. What's your response?
Q. I know this. I really should go deep in it to about the war. I know I feel lazy to dig in. If I want to take on my fear, then I have to be informed.
CT. There are fine voices and fine literature offered by thoughtful people who do not take sides. A minority show a caring and compassionate response looking into ways to find the skilful means to stop the war including street protest, communication and other avenues to end the war. Action implements a change in consciousness. You and I genuinely can be a voice for that. What's the alternative? It is the perpetuation, terror and insanity of each side thinking its cause is right and moral. How many Russians believe that Russia must go to war in Ukraine or eventually NATO will come in and invade us? Meaningful change starts with small groups of people who feel helpless and then realise “NO. NO. I am not helpless.” Some risk their lives or imprisonment in their protest against war. Keep exploring. Don't buy into the fear.
Thank you.
I find this very difficult. You may be a good meditation teacher and grounded in being but as we all know, this doesn't _automatically_ say much about the validity of your political positions. (A famous example was reknowned Zen master Yasutani Roshi who advocated Japan's militant nationalism.)
I think in this dialogue, you mix the clarity of love and being with a particular political position that happens to be close to Putin's propaganda - along the lines of: all western media are repeating the lies of America's militant expansion plans, and NATO expanded towards Russia so poor Russia HAD to invade Ukraine. (The fact is that the newer NATO countries ASKED to become NATO members because they were afraid of Russia's imperialism, with very good reason as we see now - Sweden being the latest example. NATO in no way forced Sweden to join NATO.)
Of course, anyone can have different positions about these topics but you misused your authority here, mixing a valuable spiritual perspective with a very biased political perspective. Not good.
Thank you for holding this deeply valuable inquiry. I write as a UK woman with family in Belarus. The country has been deleted along with Russia and people are oblivious. They had the nerve to continue their cooperative and diplomatic relationship with their neighbouring country. Sports people prevented from competing in events and singers barred from Eurovision even as Israel is welcomed.
I make it my business to remain grounded in the reality of our meta crisis and see the truth of the situations from a place of steady loving intention. Mass formation and truth are enemies of one another and compassion is the antidote to the fear. We can have awareness enough to look further in geopolitics or any other type of conflict and do so with an open heart and mind. Then we can truly see each other as the human beings we all are. This is how we make a difference. Namaste 🙏