WELCOME TO THE WISE LOTUS CENTRE IN LETCHWORTH GARDEN CITY, HERTS, UK. More than 30 kinds of classes, sessions for Wellbeing
A Wellbeing Centre for the 21st Century is up and running on the high street In Letchworth Garden City (population 48,000) in Hertfordshire, UK. On the opposite side of the road to the Centre, you will see a lovely park. Letchworth is a beautiful garden city.
Nshorna, my daughter, launched The Wise Lotus Centre in Spring 2022 after designing the full conversion of the front and interior of a medium to large ground floor shop into a receptive and caring centre.
Her landlord, the largest landlord in the city, is the Heritage Foundation, a charity serving the Letchworth Community through funding mostly from their rented properties in the area. The Centre is located at the foot of the high street in Letchworth, a five-minute walk from the railway station
Nshorna created a website for the Centre with Wix, based in Israel, who gave guidance over the phone for some features for her website. With initial support from a designer of brochures using software, she developed leaflets and brochures. She has transformed a vision into a reality.
The Centre keeps costs as affordable as possible to support adults and children. Nshorna rents the space out per hour at a modest rate to the person facilitating a group. The person also receives an invitation to offer donation (dana in the East) for the ongoing expenses of running the Centre. The Centre provides the space for the sessions for facilitators committed to service.
Nshorna reached out to those contributing to wellbeing in and around Hertfordshire. Other practitioners in the area contacted her. A network of practitioners has developed in the past seven months offering an expansive range of sessions.
Do join a class and course (see email and website address below) held in The Wise Lotus Centre, 35 minutes on the train north from Kings Cross station in central London, UK. TWLC has an expanding programme.
Nshorna, founder and CEO, teaches mindfulness and other classes/workshops for adults and children in the Centre. Her father, Christopher Titmuss is the senior consultant for the TWLC. The Centre has hosted over 30 types of classes, sessions and trainings in 2022. Most sessions are ongoing every week. There are also talks on specific themes for the public.
Classes, Courses, Sessions, Talks and Trainings in 2022
1. Aromatherapy Massage
2. Breathwork
3. Cacao Ceremony
4. Children’s Mindfulness
5. Children’s Yoga
6. Connect and Flow Dance
7. Drumming Circle
8. Energy and Chakra Healing
9. Family Retreat Days
10. Gong Meditation
11. Hypnobirthing
12. Life Coaching
13. Meditation
14. Mentoring For Yoga Teachers
15. Mindful Art
16. Mindfulness
17. Mindfulness for Parents
18. Mindfulness Teacher Training to Support Children
19. Nutritional Therapy
20. Oracle Card Reading
21. Pilates
22. Postnatal Exercises
23. Psychic Workshop
24. Qi Gong
25. Reiki
26. Retreat Days
27. Seasonal Yoga Teacher Training
28. Sound Bath. Tibetan ‘Singing’ Bowls
29. Tai Chai
30. Training for Massage, Baby Massage and Lymphatic Drainage
31. Vision Board Workshop (for setting goals)
32. Yoga (various kinds of Yoga)
(TWLC has scheduled further sessions/classes and trainings for 2023)
Email. support@thewiselotus.com
Nshorna sells a range of wellbeing items and beautiful gift sets on Etsy and in her shop: www.thelittleshopofmindfulness.com.
Every package is plastic-free as much as possible, and includes a mindfulness practise leaflet.
Do look at the website and email any questions.
Thank you.