To Establish Agents of Change. Join our Course in Germany and Israel in 2017
I am writing to give you encouragement to join our residential Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC) in June and October, 2017 in Germany and September 2017/March 2018 in Israel.
We wish to offer a comprehensive training in mindfulness, facilitation and leadership.
We will give training in public speaking, preparation of themes and ways to apply your knowledge and skills for the benefit of others.
We believe you can make a valuable contribution to real change in our troubled society and troubled world.
The MTTC will be suitable for a wide range of people including Dharma practitioners, people working in the public and private sector, young people, senior citizens and people in transition.
We wish to make participants Agents of Change.
The training will take consist of two 14 -day residential meetings.
Participants can attend in either Germany or Israel or one in each country.
There will be much opportunity to speak in German or Hebrew in the respective countries as well as English.
The MTTC will basically consist of inner work in the morning, development of communication skills in the afternoon and a combination of both in the evening.
For Information on the MTTC
Please go to the link Residential MTTC at top of page on the website.
Click on link for all the details
Leaflet with introductory information about the MTTC including residential cost
General Information on MTTC with numerous details
Registration form.
The training will take place at Ein-dor in northern Israel, from
5 September, 2017 to 19 September 2017 and from 1st April – 14th April, 2018.
The training will take place at Pauenhof, near Dusseldorf in Germany
from 17th June, 2017 – 1st July 2017 and from 14th October, 2017 – 28th October 2017.
Currently, 28 people have registered for the MTTC in Germany and 7 in Israel.
Tovana, our Dharma network in Israel, is currently preparing information on the MTTC for its website and mailing lists.
There are spaces for a minimum of 30 people and a maximum of 60 people.
MTTC will offer a certificate to those who complete the training to the appropriate level.
Closing date for registration for Germany is 17 April, 2017 or before if 60 people register.
Closing date for registration for Israel is 5 June 2017 or before if 60 people register.
We also request you to pass the word onto your friends, mailing lists and social media.
We look forward to seeing you.
Three Bows
Christopher Titmuss
Lila Kimhi, Shelly Sharon. Books, Video, Audio library, poems… mindfulness, guided meditations, online course, essays Dharma teachings/practices, vipassana, annual schedule, communication, speech, leadership, authority, critiques Sarnath, near Varanasi, February Retreats and other retreats Annual Pilgrimage in late July in southern France.