Teaching programme in Israel, Germany and UK between April and early June, 2012
April 8 -12 Retreat with Christopher. Sandya, Eran and Elaya
April 12 -18 experienced practitioners retreat with Christopher, Stephen and co teache
April 18-21 Open Dharma Gathering in Tel Aviv with Christopher and co-teachers
April 27 – 30 DFP with Christopher and co-teachers.
Website is in Hebrew and available n English
Hebrew info page for the course in tovana’s site is:
mail for general questions:
GERMANY. near Bonn
May 4 – 11 2012,
A SILENT RETREAT at Zentrum for Buddhismus
with Christopher and Nicole Stern
This classical Vipassana retreat will include comprehensive meditation instructions in
Vipassana (Insight) meditation, a daily talk and regular one to one meetings with
Christopher. The retreat offers the opportunity to go deeply into ourselves in a
supportive and caring atmosphere. The retreat points to inner renewal, a deep sense of
presence and the emptying of the mind for fresh perceptions and insights. Suitable for
new and experienced meditators. No groups. Suitable for new and experienced
Zentrum for Buddhismus Waldhaus am Lachersee (one hour from Bonn/Cologne)
D 56643, Nickenich, Germany
0049 2636 3344
Public Talk/Discussion
The Power of Mindfulness
The Barrel coffee shop (upstairs)
High Street
Devon, UK.
Thursday May 24, 2012. 20.00 – 22.00
Monasteries of the Theravada Buddhist tradition have established the practice of mindfulness for more than 2000 years. In the past couple of decades, mindfulness has become regarded as a branch of psychology in the West. Traditional mindfulness practices now have widespread application in the West, including use in clinics, hospitals, schools, prisons, the public and private sector. Spiritual retreats, yoga classes, stress reduction courses and workshops for conflict resolution apply mindfulness exercises to develop the power of presence to situations. What are the benefits of mindfulness for everyday life? Has mindfulness in the West become a single limb cut off from the whole body of the Buddha’s teachings?
Lewes, Sussex, England
England, Lewes, near Brighton
Friday evening June 1, 2012 and end on Bank Holday Monday, 4 pm June, 2012
Christopher Titmuss
Youth Hostel,
Telscombe Village: YHA,
Bank Cottages, Telscombe,
Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 3HZ.
Organisers. Beka Card and Dominika Zwyrtek
To register: dfpbrighton@gmail.com
In the morning, this residential retreat will consist of instructions, groups and sharing on
the themes of the retreat. After lunch, it will be a silent retreat, Dharma talk, inquiry and
one to one with Christopher. All are welcome. Rooms and camping available. Lewes is
located just outside Brighton. It is one hour by train from Victoria Station, London and
25 minutes on the direct train from Gatwick Airport, outside London.
Do come.