Silence. Some attend retreats for the silence. Others resist. Join 30 June to 6 July 2023 Seminarhaus Engl retreat, near Munich, Germany. 30. With Christopher
Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators
I sometimes hear the voice. “I would love to attend a retreat but I don't think I could go a week without talking.”
Despite resistance to silence, people go on their first retreat.
After the retreat, people will often say: " I appreciate so much the silence so I could spend the days staying in touch with myself.
I learnt so much."
The view of resistance to silence lacks experience of a retreat. The second view arises due to experience. Teachings/practices emphasise the second view. People who live very quiet lives find a noble silence that develops trust and connectedness.
The retreat is not totally in silence.
On my retreats, I have 1-1s with each person seeing a person two or three times during the week. Meditation instructions are offered in the morning, a talk in the afternoon and an evening programme, which can include an inquiry (person sits next to me and we have a dialogue) and a question/answer period.
Some long standing friendships (yes, and sometimes relationships) develop in the final morning when silence ends around 10.45 a.m.
Plenty of meditators ltell me they lost the rhythm of the annual retreat due to the time of lockdown between 2020 and 2022.
Currently, centres often have spaces in the meditation hall right up the last days before the retreat.
You are very welcome to join my retreat at Semnhaus Engl, situated in beautiful countryside with a centre give much tender loving care.
Do come. Bicycle, Car, coach, train, plane.
Mindfulness/Insight Meditation/Liberation Retreat
Seminarhaus Engl (see photo above)
With Christopher
30 June to 6 July 2023
Seminarhaus Engl e.V.(one hour from Munich)
Engl 1. Phone +49-(0)8728-616
84339 Unterdietfurt, Germany
The retreats consist of comprehensive mindfulness/meditation instructions in sitting, walking, standing/reclining, inter-views with myself, inquiry, questions and answers, and a daily talk. There are teachings for the mindful work period, mindful meals and mindful exercise (individual choice of exercise). Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators.
Retreat is affordable. Participants pay for administration/meals etc. There is no payment to the teacher. The teacher makes an appeal for 10 minute or so for donations (dana) on the final afternoon with trust in the kindness/support of the meditators. Centre provides a dana box.
We look forward to see you.
A single insight can change a life.
Pass the word on.