An aphorism refers to a short statement that can reveal a fresh perception, an insight, a simple and significant truth.
I have written seven aphorisms - one for each day of the week.
A tree on the way to Dartington Hall, near Totnes, Devon, England
You might take time to spend in silence to reflect on one or two, listen deep within, so an insight or inspiration reveals itself - related or unrelated to the aphorism.
A sign of authority is the willingness to question authority.
Do you know what you miss if you only abide in the past, present or future?
Wisdom reminds us that living life dependent on results shows we have learnt little about life.
Choice has a minor place in the field of consciousness. Coming out of the blue, the choiceless has much more significance.
Deep spiritual/mystical experiences bringing profound insights seem beyond the explanation of neuroscience.
A predominant world view of us and them perpetuates a whole mass of suffering.
To give attention to the big picture and to give attention to detail confirms two perceptions - yet perceiving two realities reveals a blind spot.
“Do you know what you miss if you only abide in the past, present or future?”
Is this a kōan? What is the answer?