An aphorism refers to a short statement that can reveal a fresh perception, an insight, a simple truth.
I have written seven aphorisms - one for each day of the week.
You might take time to spend in silence to reflect on, listen deep within, so an insight or inspiration reveals itself - related or unrelated to the aphorism.
Photo taken on pathway, a few hundred metres from Totnes, Devon, England. Out of ancient, rocky and hard wall emerges the beauty of transparency of the plant.
1. Who needs to go to Mars? We can go much further within.
2. Corruption of the mind reveals imprisonment already.
3. Happiness without a known cause reveals freedom
4. If your parents neglected you, resolve daily not to neglect others.
If your parents were tight and mean, resolve daily to give and share with others.
If your parents put you down, resolve daily not to put others down.
5. To follow your heart can lead us into hot water.
To follow your mind can lead us into cold water.
To follow your heart and mind lead us into warm water.
The water of life abides free from limits.
6. Compassion has no self attached.
Compassion has no other attached.
Know the liberation of compassion in all directions.
7. If you cannot sleep at night, perhaps you were not awake during the day.
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