Right View. A Major Discourse of the Buddha. A Challenging Inquiry for Daily Life. Join our Buddha Study Guide. Saturday 19 March 2022
Sutta 9. Right View. This is one of the most comprehensive discourses in the entire Canon. Buddha Study Guide. Zoom Meeting takes place on Saturday 19 March 2022.
Three sessions on the Day.
The sessions include:
8.00 – 9.0am CET with Christopher. Guided Meditation. Talk
9.00 – 9.30 CET. Meeting to Explore Theme. Facilitator: Suchitra Shenoy
16.00 – 17.30pm CET with Christopher. Guided Meditation. Talk. Q and A.
To register and receive Zoom link.
email Christopher’s assistant: s.shenoy@gmail.com
There is no charge if you register. Course depends upon donations. The course relies on generosity so that we can continue in this form of teaching.
You will receive a free copy of the 48-page Buddha Study Guide and a link to Google Drive for previous recordings of the BSG.
(Assistant, Suchitra Shenoy in India will facilitate a meeting on the theme from 9 am – 9.30 am).
We will explore this course (Sutta 9) for the March and April meeting of the Buddha Study Guide.
Sutta 9. Right View.
This is one of the most comprehensive discourses in the entire Canon.
19 March. Right View. Part One.
Session 1.Unwholesome. Greed, Negativity and Delusion. Eternal and extinction views.
Session 2. Ten Wholesome Activities
16 April. Right View. Part Two
Session 1. Four Kinds of Nourishment. Eightfold Path (Overview of Path and Goal).
Session 2. Twelve Links of Dependent Arising.
Right View take a Priority
This is one of the most comprehensive discourses in the entire Canon.
Right View (conducive, fulfilling view/understanding) takes a priority in the Buddha’s teachings.
Right View, Discourse 9 in the Middle Length Discourses, engages in a comprehensive exploration of Right View- to wake up, to end suffering and know a liberated life.
This discourse covers several primary features of the Buddha’s teachings. For the beginner, this discourse ranks as a formidable read.
Dedicated meditators, hard core yogis will benefit from it. The text provides teachings worth of attention and practice.
If you read aloud, there is more potential for a resonation to take place.
A Summary of the Discourse on Right View
Exploration of right view. What is unwholesome is motivated by greed,
negativity and delusion. Right view comprehends the Four Noble Truths while
neither clinging to an eternity view for self nor annihilation view.
Sariputta speaks about right view and what is wholesome and the root of the
wholesome, and what is unwholesome and the root of unwholesome. He says,
“The Buddha names the ways in which a noble disciple is “one with right view.”
A noble disciple needs to understand the unwholesome and the root of the
unwholesome, the wholesome and the root of the wholesome
The 10 unwholesome courses of action:
killing 2. stealing 3. sexual misconduct 4. false speech 5. malicious speech 6.
harsh speech 7. gossip 8. covetousness 9. ill-will 10). wrong view (harmful).
The root of these unwholesome actions is greed, hatred and delusion.
The 10 wholesome courses of actions are non-greed, non-hatred and non-delusion.
When this is understood one abandons the underlying tendency to the view and
conceit ‘I am.” and here and now makes an end to suffering.
Four Kinds of Nutriment,
1) physical food for the physical body,
2) contact,
3) mental volition
4) consciousness
The Buddha stated the Four Noble Truths
End of Suffering
The Way
The Way is the Noble Eightfold
Right Understanding, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right
Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Meditative Concentration.
So, for example
Ageing and Death
The Way
12 Links of Dependent Arising in Reverse Order
Aging and death
Being—three kinds of being: sense-sphere being, fine- material and immaterial being.
Clinging—clinging to sensual pleasures, views, rules and rituals, and sel
Craving—six classes of craving: craving for forms, sounds, smells, flavours,, tangibles, craving for mind-objects
Feeling—classes of feeling are pleasant, unpleasant or neither, worldly or spiritual, body and mind.
Contact—or initial impressions through the senses and the mind
The sixfold base—six bases: eye-base, ear, nose tongue, body, mind-base.
Name and form—5 mental factors – feeling, perception, volition, contact, attention; materiality — the four elements and the material which is formed
Consciousness—six classes of consciousness: eye-consciousness, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind-consciousness
Formations—3 kinds of formations: bodily, verbal, mental
Ignorance – is not knowing the four noble truths.
Please note times of Buddha Study Guide sessions and times of Eightfold Path sessions are different though on the same day.
Photo shows teaching in the Dharma Hall, Thai Monastery, Sarnath, India. This is the village where the Buddha gave his first teaching on the middle way between self-inflation and self-deflation, building oneself up and putting oneself down.