Online Evening Programme Sunday 23 May 2021. A 90-minute online meeting. CAN WE SHOW COMPASSION TO THE SELF? IS COMPASSION THE END OF SELF?
The Dharma flies with two wings – compassion and wisdom.
Compassion emerges from a liberated wisdom.
Sunday 23 May 2021. A 90-minute online meeting. 7 pm UK, 8pm CET, 9 pm Israel.
That happens when constructs in the mind lose their significance.
The emptiness of self and the emptiness of dependency on feeling tones take priority.
This talk will also explore the contraction of compassion into self interest.
The liberation of compassion reveals the dissolution of ‘I’ and ‘my.’
The teachings will offer a reminder of the meaning of ‘acting out of compassion.’
Session includes a 30minute guided meditation, 30-minute talk and 30-minute Q and A/Inquiry.
Live. All are welcome.
Sangha.Live offers on dana (donation).