Mindfulness Teacher Training Course. Only 8 places left. Here are 8 reasons why.
12-month training. Zoom. Plus two in-person meetings
MTTC starts in mid-October 2023 and ends in mid-October 2024. Participants can join the first six-month module for a six-month personal training in mindfulness or a 12-month training to qualify as an accredited teacher.
There are 50 places available with 42 paid registrations leaving 8 places left. There is a discount if you book before 31 August 2023. The registration covers a range of ongoing costs/ongoing preparation. We make a short monthly appeal for a donation.
Go to www.mindfulnesstrainingcourse.org for comprehensive information on the MTTC.
In June 2023, we invited a website designer to create a new MTTC website while retaining the content. You will see a contemporary website and easy to use.
Two minute clip from Christopher Titmuss to introduce the MTTC
Here are Eight Reasons to join the MTTC and become a Mindfulness Teacher
Upon completion of the MTTC, participants will receive two certificates of accreditation. One from the MTTC and a CPD professional certificate. Recognized worldwide, the certificate is regarded as the benchmark of continued professional development. MTTC Participants currently come from four continents.
Every aspect of our course gives support to experiences of daily life. MTTC offers a new theme every month. In the first six-month module, we concentrate on formal practices in sitting, walking, standing, reclining, body, feelings, emotions and the range of experiences. In the second six-month module, we add training and application from the first month to step into role of a mindfulness teacher – giving short talks, guided meditation, taking questions from other trainees and facilitating groups. Themes include a healthy lifestyle, communication, becoming an agent of change, developing wellbeing for oneself and others, skills in facilitation of groups and creative ways of teaching mindfulness.
Once a month, we meet three times on a Saturday and twice on a Sunday. These sessions are recorded. If a person cannot attend, the participant can listen in their own time. MTTC also includes small groups (without a teacher meeting once a week in the middle of the week to share experiences and practice teaching/listening. We have four assistant teachers, who graduated from the previous MTTC – one from India, two from Israel and one from Scotland. They will offer a class including share their experiences of teaching mindfulness, give short talks, responding to questions and time to time listening to small group meetings.
We have two in person sessions from a Wednesday evening to a Sunday lunch – one non-residential in Letchworth Garden City, 40 minutes on the train north of London and one residential in the Pauenhof Centre, an hour from Dusseldorf in Germany. For those who cannot come, we will offer three Zoom sessions per day starting Wednesday evening to Sunday lunch.
Two primary teachers: Author of 22 books, Buddhist psychologist, social critic and former Buddhist monk, Christopher Titmuss, a senior mindfulness teacher, established the online Mindfulness Training Course in 2011. This course evolved into the Mindfulness Teacher Training Course in 2017. Assistant teacher, Nshorna Davis (Christopher’s daughter), is the founder of three mindfulness-based organisations including The Wise Lotus Centre in Letchworth.
We offer a depth of teaching and practice including ethics, service, creating agents of change, organisational skills and use of social media. The course includes exploring a spiritual awareness in our relationship to people, creatures and the natural world. We encourage participants to adapt our mindfulness training in creative ways suitable for your knowledge and experiences in other areas of life.
Participants have the opportunity for online sessions with the teachers, as well as develop contacts with others in the course. Support for all participants continues after the 12-month period.
Our 12-month course may well be the most affordable and in-depth course available.
Do join.