Join our Zoom retreat. 18 June to 23 June 2021. On Donation. See Four Time Zones for Retreat.
Please see information below about our insight meditation (vipassana) retreat starting on Friday 18 June. Information includes email address for registration, timetable and other details.
RETREAT (on Zoom), 18 June-23 June 2021 Theme: The Truth of Suffering and its Resolution Join Zoom Meeting with Christopher (UK) and Suchitra (India)
Covid-19 and it variants have generated much suffering for individuals, friends and families in India and worldwide. We offer this Zoom retreat for calmness of being, dealing with stress, fears and pressure of thought. We will point the way towards wisdom and awakening of our being.
Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators. An opportunity to explore mindfulness and meditation at home with teachers and others in their home. To Register and receive Zoom link.
TIMETABLE Please attend as much as possible.
There will be an appeal for donations in the final session.
Friday, 18 June India Europe (CET) UK Australia (NSW) Opening Talk: Christopher 7.30-8.30 pm 16-17.00 15-16.00 midnight 30-minute Guided Sitting Meditation: Christopher 8.30-9 pm 17-17.30 16-16.30 1am Saturday, 19 June TO Tuesday, 22 June India Europe (CET) UK Australia (NSW) Sitting Meditation (Instructions: Christopher) 10.30-11.30 am 7-8 am 6-7 am 15-16.00 Walking Meditation (Instructions: Suchitra)/ Quiet work period 11.30 am to 12.30 pm 8–9 am 7-8 am 16-17.00 Eating instructions (Suchitra) 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes Lunch 1-3 pm 9.30-11.30 am 8.30-10.30 am 17.30-19.30 Guided Meditation (Suchitra) 3-3.30 pm 11.30-noon 10.30-11 am 19.30-20.00 Q and A (Christopher) 3.30-4 pm 12-12.30 pm 11-11.30 am 20-20.30 Sitting/ Walking Meditation 4-5 pm 12.30-1.30 pm 11.30am-12.30 pm 20.30-21.30 Short break Short break Short break Short break Short break Teachings: Christopher 5.30-6.30 pm 14-15.00 13-14.00 22-23.00 Eating instructions (Christopher) 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes Meal 6.30-8pm 15-16.30 14-15.30 23-0.30 Sharing Experiences Group 1 with Suchitra 8-8.30 pm 16.30-17.00 15.30-16.00 0.30-1am Group 2 with Christopher 8.30-9 pm 17-17.30 16-16.30 1-1.30 am End of the day of mindfulness and meditation Wednesday Morning, 23 June 2021 India Europe (CET) UK Australia (NSW) Guided Meditation (Suchitra) 10.30-11 am 7-7.30 am 6-6.30 am 15-15.30 Closing Talk: Christopher 11-11.30 am 7.30-8.00 am 6.30-7.00 am 15.30-16.00 Sharing, Donations. Loving Kindness Meditation 11.30-noon 8-8.30 am 7-7.30 am 16-16.30 End of Retreat on Zoom Do join.