How to make a Mask for protection from the Coronavirus. Do forward onto others. This is one cool initiative.
Do click on Tom’s link above. He gives precise instructions on how to make a mask in three sizes.
A piece of cloth sewn together can keep people safe from this highly contagious virus.
Tom thanks a hospital in Ohio for the approach to making such a mask.
Tom Riddle in the USA makes short films to promote projects to support the poor and marginalised in India and other countries.
He has made some beautiful shorts films and taken photographs for our beloved inter-religious free school with 600 pupils – the Prajna Vihar School, Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India.
For more than 20 years, his films have been instrumental in raising donations in the West for the school.
Tom has put together a Covid-19 mask with pocket to help save people’s lives. See the photos of the mask and relevant information on the link.
Thank you, Tom.