First Zoom. Six Reflections. Zoom. Saturday 17 June 2023 at 8 am CET.
Second Zoom. Mindfulness Teacher Training Course. Taster Session. Zoom. Tuesday 20 June 9 pm CET.
Six Reflections for Daily Life
We need time to reflect instead of constantly thinking about ourselves, about our likes and dislikes. We get immersed in views about others, money, work and state of the Earth.
Let us explore ways to find a fulfilled life supportive in all directions, via mindfulness, meditation, reflection and sharing.
Join our current Buddha Wisdom Series on Six Reflections.
Reflect on waking up our whole being to the expanse of existence,
Reflect on teachings/practices/tools to find the wisdom for daily life.
Reflect on time with like-minded people engaged in exploration of experience.
Reflect on the importance of the Gods - the wise and the compassionate,
Reflect on ethics - non violence, non abuse, no exploitation, values and dedication.
Reflect on giving - empathy, love, generosity, noble action and clarity of mind,
A 70-90 minute session every Saturday morning (UK) at 8 am CET for our five week course.
Registration is 30 Euros to cover five weeks with occasional requests for donation (dana)
If you wish, you can attend first session as our guest. You can cover registration after if you wish to continue.
See flyer to contact Suchitra by email for link.
Do join.
Mindfulness Training
Join our Mindfulness Teacher Training Course (MTTC) starting in mid-October, 2023. 25 places are currently available to fill the course.
Christopher and Nshorna offer a 60 minute taster session on Tuesday 20 June 2023. If you have an interest in teaching mindfulness, then do join our Zoom session. You can offer precious practices/skills for those in need.
We will offer a short talk, guided meditation with 45 minutes to respond to your questions/areas of interest.
See contact information on flyer. Email for the Zoom link.
We look forward to seeing you.