Cruise Ships: The Big Polluter of the Seas, Oceans, Ports and More
Cruise ships are the Cruise missiles of pollution
Cruise ships are huge in length, height and width offering lavish holidays to the well-off, regardless of the environmental impact of these ocean-going liners.
There are 300 - 400 large cruise ships with around 30 million passengers per year. Ships can hold 3000 - 6000 passengers. More and more cruise ships are under construction, often getting bigger and bigger.
A householder asked the Buddha what will destroy the world. He responded “People craving for pleasure.”
Cruise ships generate high levels of air pollution that might well endanger the health of passengers, staff and port communities. The level of pollution can be as high on the ship, itself, as some of the world’s most polluted cities.
Banning of these ships from ports can have a major impact. For example, Venice, the world’s third most polluted cruise port, banned cruise ships. The city has reduced sulphur emissions by 80%.
A quarter of all ocean waste comes from cruise ships, according to a recent study. Nearly 90% of this waste is legally discharged at sea.
A typical cruise ship emits
• Four times as much co2 per passenger as flying.
• As much particles of matter as one million cars per day
• Four time sulphur oxides that all the cars on the five continents combined
• Oil, sewage, plastic and harmful chemicals into the seas/oceans
• 25% of all ocean waste comes from cruise ships, yet is 1% of the ships
• Pollution in ports due to leaving their engines running when docking.
These ships pollute the seas and the ports where they make a brief stop, so their passengers can have a quick look round the town/city of the port. No wonder cities such as Venice, Amsterdam and Barcelona have reduced or banned such ships from their harbours due to their local environmental impacts.
These ports, plus many others in Europe from Southampton UK to Hamburg in Germany and Rome, and other venues in the rest of the world, experience more air pollution from these ships visiting their ports annually than from all the cars in their city in a year.
Nine Examples of Big ships causing Big Pollution
Air Pollution: Cruise ships emit pollutants contributing to poor air quality in coastal areas and ports. In alphabetical order:
Ballast Water Discharge: Cruise ships often take on huge amounts of ballast water in one location and discharge it in another, potentially introducing invasive species to new areas
Chemical Pollution: Cleaning agents, paints, and other chemicals used for maintenance and onboard operations can enter the water, affecting water quality and marine life.
Coastal Erosion: large cruise ships can contribute to coastal erosion, especially in sensitive areas where natural habitats are already under stress.
Coral Reef Damage: Anchoring cruise ships near coral reefs can cause physical damage to fragile coral ecosystems, leading to long-term degradation and loss of biodiversity.
Fuel Spills: Accidental spills of fuel oil or other hazardous materials can occur during refueling or maintenance, leading to contamination of coastal habitats.
Noise Pollution: Cruise ship engines and onboard activities can disrupt marine life, including communication and navigation patterns of whales and dolphins.
Solid Waste. Cruise ships produce large amounts of solid waste, including packaging materials, food waste, and other non-biodegradable items, which can end up in the ocean or landfills.
Water Pollution: Discharge of untreated sewage harms aquatic life and ecosystems.
Final Word
If your parents/grandparents, friends or neighbours are thinking of going on a cruise, speak to them.
Advise them their cruise could harm their health.
Tell them cruise ships harm the oceans, harm the ports and make a significant impact on their environment.
Encourage them to explore harmless holidays to support all species of the present and future generations.
Make creative suggestions for healthy alternatives, not so far from home.
May all beings live in harmony
May all beings contribute to well being on Earth
May all beings live in harmony with the Earth.
Thank you Christopher. So many good people are not aware of how toxic ‘cruising’ is! 🙏🏻