Can the Walker go for a Walk?
More than 100 people participate in our annual Yatra (Pilgrimage) in the foothills of the French Alps and elsewhere from the start of the millennium.
Can there be a walker without a walk?
Is the walker separate from the walking?
Is there one activity going on?
Namely, just walking
or are there two activities – walker and walking?
If there are two,
do they fuse with each other or stay apart?
If they fuse
how to get them apart?
If they are apart,
the walker never needs to walk.
If there is only walking,
then who says it is walking?
Is the walker different from the walk?
Is the walker left behind when walking starts?
Where is the walker when there is just walking?
Is the walker still around after the walking stops?
Does the walker start when the foot first moves?
Does a moving foot confirm walking?
Can you find the beginning of walking?
Can you find the beginning of the walker?
If the walker is not walking
Does it mean there never was a walker?
If there is no walker,
then there is no walking
since only the walker can claim
there is walking.
After reading this, you might think
you need to go out for a walk.
Be free - having dispensed with all of the above.
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