Become an Agent of Change. Join our residential programme in June, 2017 in Germany or September, 2017 in Israel
A 14- day programme for 60 people near Dusseldorf in Germany in June and October 2017 and in Israel in September, 2017 and April 2018.
49 people have registered for Germany with 11 places left out of 60 available places. 15 people have registered so far for Israel out of 60 available places. The programme will take place with a minimum of 30 participants.
There is much fear, blame and confusion in the world. We need people with knowledge and skills to offer to others in mindful ways.
Morning sessions will be devoted to inner work, afternoon sessions will be devoted to the outer, namely training in communication, leadership and organisational work and the evening sessions will be a combination of inner and outer.
See the link on website:
What is the goal of the MTTC?
The goal of the MTTC is four fold:
1. To generate mindful Agents of Change
2. To apply clear comprehension and knowledge to daily life issues.
3. To train to speak on issues, organise and lead.
4. To stay mindful and centred with deep empathy for others.
2. What does MTTC offer?
The MTTC offers two residential programmes, each lasting for 14 days, for transformation and empowerment. The 14 days of residency will generate a depth of sharing and communication. MTTC will offer a unique residential programme with a view to bringing the best out of a human being. Most of the participants will be able to speak in their first language, such as German or Hebrew, or in English, according to the situation.
3. Is there a key feature of the MTTC?
Right from the start, we will offer training to develop the power of the voice. Participants will learn to exercise their authority to speak in front of others, give talks and answer questions. Participants will receive guidance on the tone of voice, construction of language, content and the communication of authority.
4. Why has the MTTC been set up?
There is a general sense of turmoil in the world. There appears to be a desperate shortage of wise leadership. Caring and thoughtful people often find it difficult to know how to respond to issues, domestic, social or global. There might be hesitations to initiate a project by oneself. We believe such caring people need to become Agents of Change. This will require a depth of mindfulness of issues, dedication and development of wise skills, as well as self-knowledge. The MTTC will make a contribution to a skilful approach to inner and outer work.
For further information:
see website.
Go to MTTC link near top of page. More important questions are addressed including dates, locations, costs/donations for teaches, further outlines and registration form.
Do join.