Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robbins and Mooji. Retreats/Courses. Costs. 10 Questions.
Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robbins
and Mooji. Retreats/Courses. Costs
10 Questions.
Information on four retreats/courses in October/November 2016. Please note that these retreats/courses are often full weeks or months in advance.
“You are Pure Consciousness, already free, awakened and liberated. I am here to say you can do this.”
A 7-Night Silent Retreat.
October 07, 2016 – October 14, 2016
Omega Centre, Rhinebeck, near New York.
Tuition fee: $575.00 (€510, £430.00)
Plus accommodation and food.
Accommodation for 500 participants.
Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng (Eckhart Tolle’s Partner)
Costa Rica
A Five-Day Retreat
“Realise deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.”
Sunday evening October 23 to Friday noon, October 28, 2016.
Tuition Fee. $1297 (€1150.00, £975.00).
Plus hotel rooms/food to be booked through Eckhart Tolle Foundation.
Accommodation for 500 participants.
Tony Robbins
San Jose, California
November 10 -13, 2016
“It’s never the environment; it’s never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events.”
Prices (including tuition) range from
$795.00 (€705.00, £600) to $2995 (€2260.00, £2250.00) per person.
Non-residential. A three and a half day course.
Around 7000 participants.
Zmar, Portugal
19 – 26 October, 2016
“My heart reaches out to one whose pure intention and urge is to find the Self alone.”
Course/Tuition Fee £308 (€365.00, $410)
Plus £525 ($700, €620.00) for a single room down to £203 ($270.00, €240.00), if you bring a tent.
Around 800 participants.
Retreats/Courses and Money. 10 Questions
Should spiritual seekers express a view about costs of retreats/courses?
Has “Spiritual Enlightenment” or “Personal Transformation” become a Western product with the “Masters” as top salesman of the product?
Does the above question reveal a cynical viewpoint of the seeker about spiritual teachings?
Does the tuition fee of the Master and accommodation charge contribute to cynicism in society?
Should the Master and organisation be free to set any charge and should accounts be publicly available in the spirit of freedom of information?
Is Spiritual Enlightenment /Personal Transformation becoming one of the fastest growth industries in the West with $millions income from a few courses/retreats?
Should we take the view that fees for retreat/courses have no relevance to Spiritual Enlightenment/Personal Transformation?
Do we welcome the personal success of the Master, their courses, charges, online programmes, books and DVDs as it shows the degree of public interest?
Should we feel concern for many seekers who cannot afford to attend such courses/retreats, plus travel costs, and what steps could seekers take?
Can Youtube videos and books of the Master offer as much to seekers as participating in a retreat/course?
The Masters and their organisations would surely welcome your responses, whether supportive, critical, both or neither.
PS. There are no limits to questions and seeking answers.