A New Website. Mindfulness Support Service (MSS). Initiative of Nshorna (daughter). To address domestic and youth violence.
I am very happy to inform my worldwide contacts on social media of a remarkable initiative of Nshorna, my daughter, to set up a non-profit Mindfulness website and organisation to help address the rising tide of generational cycle of domestic abuse and youth violence.
Yesterday (25 July 2019) she launched her website and announced it on her social media. Nshorna has received in the past 24 hours many wonderful responses from professionals in social services, mindfulness teachers, NHS staff and people working in the field for local government, institutions and charities, as well as from friends and family.
Local authorities and the police in the two counties of Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire welcome her initiative. Nshorna is now moving towards the next step of bringing experienced mindfulness teachers and families together on a regular basis.
She sees the necessity to encourage men, women and children to develop the skills to reduce stress and learn ways to respond to challenging situations.
Nshorna’ s outreach includes the perpetrators of violence, as well as victims or children witnessing violence. Mindfulness Support Service is a not for profit organisation applying mindfulness practices for
Victims of Domestic Abuse,
Children who Witness Abuse,
Perpetrators of Abuse
Youth Identified as at Risk of Becoming Involved in Abusive Behaviours.
MSS will offer a range of different groups on mindfulness, meditation and reflection as a preventative approach to future violence. Mindfulness teachers will make available practical tools, methods and applications for participants to apply in daily life. Participants will learn skills to handle and respond to issues. Nshorna will co-ordinate these groups.
Beautifully designed by mindfulness teacher Ulla Koenig, Nshorna’ s website carries all the information necessary. There are seven primary links to many sub-headings including the:
Home Page
Mindfulness and Domestic Abuse
Groups and Services
About Us
How to Contact
On her website, Nshorna details the benefits of Mindfulness. She writes
Mindfulness contributes to calm and equanimity when a person feels under pressure, either from within, externally or both.
Mindfulness supports children and adults alike including families dealing with domestic abuse.
When perpetrators of abuse acknowledge their unresolved reactivity, they appreciate the tools to enable a change in behaviour.?
Families can engage in creative mindfulness practices together to support each other.
Domestic violence makes a painful impact on an estimated one in four homes in the UK. The stress, tension and frustration in people’s lives as well as childhood abuse contribute to this epidemic of violent outbursts in various ways.
Nshorna has invited me to on the advisory board. I am happy to support such important steps to relieve suffering in homes and on our streets.
Do contact Nshorna. You may have an interest, wherever you live in the world, to develop mindfulness to support those in need. You may have experience of offering such courses or you may wish to share areas with Nshorna of common interest in such social issues. Her email address is: