Authorities in Medical Science have thoughtful questions about vaccinations needing a clear and transparent response in the weeks and months ahead.
Various authorities in the science community regularly raise questions with regard to mass vaccination. These authorities include heads of laboratories, directors and professors of respiratory sciences, molecular virology, epidemiology, immunology, infectious diseases and pharmaceutical medicine.
I have been digging out some of their questions. These authorities have no conflict of interest to declare.
I would suggest to readers that you Google a question and explore three responses. It is the same principle if you plan, for example, a major update on your home. You would probably get three quotes.
If you have already absolutely decided on vaccination, there is no point to raise questions. If you have already absolutely decided against vaccination, then there is no point to raise questions. If you think all questions on vaccination have been answered, then there is no point in asking questions.
Question and answer appear in the media. Viewers, readers and listeners appreciate this opportunity to raise questions and hear response from medical scientists. I believe it would be helpful for citizens to know whether the medical authorities addressing the questions have any conflict of interest.
Here are 12 Questions primarily from Medical Scientists with knowledge of vaccinations
What happens if the duration of the vaccine is relatively short and what will be the impact on the rest of the health service?
What will be the impact of the vaccine upon those who already have major underlying health issues?
What will be the impact of the vaccine of those with major or minor allergies?
Pfizer’s first primary objective analysis based their evaluation of 170 cases of those infected with Covid-19. 162 were observed in the placebo group versus eight in the vaccine group. Is this enough cases for an evaluation?
Does the vaccine alter the severity of diseases in patients who became unwell after receiving the vaccine?
What are the figures for catching Covid-19 from a vaccinated, asymptomatically infected person?
What will be the impact of a vaccination upon those already infected with Covid-19 and circulating antibodies which works to remove a foreign substance (antigen) from the body?
What steps will be taken for those who do not respond to the vaccination and what is the reason for those who fail to respond to the vaccine?
How will the vaccine impact if repeated boosts are needed if the duration of the vaccine-induced immunity is relatively short?
How will the vaccine perform with those with diabetes, hypertension, chronic heart, lung, kidney disease which makes them particularly vulnerable to COVID-19?
How will the vaccine perform in those who have already had COVID-19 and have circulating antibodies?
“- 80C is beyond the capabilities of the usual cold storage and transport used for frozen goods. This temperature and two injections will complicate vaccinations for the great majority of people in the world living in crowded cities, towns, villages or rural places. How will this issue be addressed? Who will fund worldwide vaccination?
May all beings be safe
May all beings stay well
May all being act with wisdom
Extract from book due out in Spring 2021