50 Mutually Supportive Ways to End War
Ways to end the barbarism and depravity of those engaged in the killing fields.
Both sides in a war live in the perpetual delusion that annihilation of the enemy in the battlefields, in their homes, schools, hospitals and places of worship will stop their rage against them.
Hatred does not cease with hatred. Hatred incites more hatred. The dark, traumatised minds of both sides engage in the plotting of revenge. Emotionally charged or unemotional and cold, both personas desire the infliction of mass suffering to secure their objectives.
This mindset is a pathology far more serious, far more dangerous than the current narrow boundaries/definitions of mental sickness.
The medical profession, the experts in mental health have let us down.
Their is a refusal in society to define the violence of the state and the violence of the organisation as confirmation of deeply rooted unresolved mental health problems.
In a civilised society, the proponents of war, who support one side to slaughter the other, would require the skills of experts in psychiatry, psychology, mindfulness, meditation, counselling, spiritual/religious/secular practices and intensive support to bring an end to their collective desire to make others suffer.
Sadly, we live with the absurd belief we have evolved when every war, every act of violence, confirms this most primitive of behaviour governs much of life on Earth.
We consider ourselves civilised and that view itself forms into such an identity that the ‘civilised’ world gets used as a weapon to denigrate and destroy the ‘other.’
A List of 50 Mutually Supportive Ways to end Wars.
What ways can you give support to resolution of conflict?
Analysis/critiques of state of mind of political/military leaders and others who sanction death and destruction.
Application of the Arts
Arms control
Banning banking from countries engaged in war
Banning imports from countries engaged in war
Banning export of weapons
Blocking streets, motorways, public buildings
BDS. Boycott. Divestment. Sanctions
Civil Disobedience on a massive scale or modest scale
Comedy, skits, poking fund
Constructive exports
Critiques of war
Demonstrations/Marches/Street Protests
Economic Sanctions
Education in ethics, empathy, non-violence in schools, workplace and institutions
Ending participation in major sporting events
Ending arm sales, international and national
Grass roots movements
International Courts
International cooperation to resolve conflict
Mass Petitions
Mock Funerals
Name and shame of those who invest in war
Parades. Gatherings. Concerts
Private Meetings between representatives of both sides
Prohibiting loans
Public Talks
Religious meetings, vigils, meditation in public
Resistance to military call-up/conscription
Non-violent training
Sanctions on the rich/powerful who gain from war
Social Media
Street Music. Poetry, Theatre, Dance, Costumes
Tax. Refusal to pay
Voluntary Service.
They're burning bodies
again today
pretending not
to see
a Gallow's