Friday January 22, 2016
Body Language. Look Who’s Talking.
There are three primary languages in a communication.
The words
The feeling tone
The body
Psychologists tells us that information to the brain, 87% comes from the eyes and 9% from the ears. If it is true, we need to sit up and take notice.
Here are some possible examples of body language. One formation of the body or parts of the body can express more than a single meaning. Be mindful of what you make of impressions.
In alphabetical order
Arms crossed – defensive, negative attitude, feeling cold, self-contained.
Blinking frequently means tired, bored or uninterested.
Body cross-legged on chair shows exclusion.
Both hands covering genitals – emotional moment and self-protection
Collar pull may show person restricting the truth.
Copying others gestures and language to gain acceptance.
Courtship signals. Open legs, sideways glances, mouth slightly open, fondling glass, leg twine, gently stroking thigh (wish for contact), speaking in a low voice.
Cross-legged in chair – reserved, pulled back, wish to impress.
Deceit – rubbing eyes,
Avoidance of truth. Both eyes turned downwards.
Direct body point to make things clear.
Disapproves of words of the other, person picks at different places in clothing.
Dishonest or holding back – eye contact is less than one third.
Expansion or contraction of eyeballs to show level of interest.
Expect criticism – arms and legs are held in.
Extreme boredom can show when head is fully supported by hand
Finger pointing is aggression with three fingers turned towards oneself may show avoidance.
Fingers on teeth – under pressure.
Hand to rub ears may be to block out the words
Hands on belt, fingers unconsciously pointing to genitals, foot pointing to woman – sexual message
Hands on hips to show aggressive attitude.
Hands on legs – to show ready to leave
Head down is negative/disinterest.
Headshake from side to side on agreements may mean negative attitude.
Hidden palms/hands may show hidden truths
Holding hands behind back shows confidence or possibly arrogance
In crowded rush hour, people protect their intimate zones.
Intimate gaze is desire for more or expression of power.
Intimate, personal, social and public.
Items in front of body – to make a barrier between oneself and the other
Leaning back, hands behind head, showing confidence know all attitude.
Locking of ankles may mean feeling tied up.
Main clues about a person come from the body as much as from speech.
Men are often unaware of being given the intimate gaze and women feel frustrated that they are.
Mind must be rock steady, clear and relaxed, eyes focussed and receptive.
Moving hands show nervousness.
Neck scratching shows doubt or insincerity.
Observe triangles between eyes shows something said is not clear
One leg on the other may show interest if pointing towards companion on a sofa.
One leg on the other may show disinterest if pointing away from companion.
Open palms show open truth.
Opinion of someone formed in first 90 seconds.
Partial confidence – one hand holding elbow of arm hanging down
Rubbing back of neck – pain in the neck, unspoken conflict with other.
Rubbing palms together shows positive expectation
Sexually aggressive clothing for desire for attention
Single foot of three people pointing to one person, shows interest.
Stiff formal posture can display a know it all attitude.
Supporting thumb on face shows critical attitude.
Thinking posture often shows chin in palm of hand (Socratic).
Tilt to one side shows interest.
Timid people meet the eyes less and are rarely trusted.
To go and sit besides the person may change his or her ankle posture to a more open one.
Touching property shows pride of ownership
Two people can face each other and then move into intimacy zone.
When tired or bored, eyes tend to look away.
With falsehoods and lies, hand may go to the mouth
Women’s hands on hips to highlight clothing.
PS. To change a person’s posture, then hand the person something. Remember to be mindful of your interpretation of the impressions that come to your eyes.
Be mindful of your body language!