12 Expressions of Full Awakening
There are various spiritual ideologies reducing awakening to a handful of slogans that make little sense except to gurus and their followers. These slogans include Being in the Now, Oneness, Finding your True Self or there is No Self, There is nothing to be done, I am That, I am Radiant Awareness, I am Consciousness. There is only Wholenes, Everything is Perfect, You create your own realiity and more. Our gurus tell us if we had realised such claims, then we would say the same. I am asked regularly about the expressions of a fully awakened life. Here are some considerations.
Freedom from problematic states of mind, freedom to be and freedom to act
An expanded capacity to make worthwhile events happen rather than just witness
Daily experiences of deep happiness not dependent on time and place
A knowing that causes and conditions produce all events, inner and outer
Profound empathy with others replacing belief in ideologies, the nation state and holding onto personal identity
A genuine resolution of any unresolved inner problens from the past, either yesterday or yesteryear
A knowing that our actions reveals our wisdom
The capacity to make judgements rather than be judgemental
A knowing of the emptiness of ego and self-other projections
Freedom to explore duality, unity, non-duality, past, present, future without holding onto a position
Freedom of the heart to love regardless of responses or reactions and freedom from agitated thought.
Seeing and knowing the boundless, the limitless, the unconstructed.